
The Vital Role of Human Rights in Kideco's Business Processes

The level of success of Responsible Business Practices can be measured by the significance of Human Rights. Human Rights are not just a topic, but an integral foundation that guides the implementation of responsible business.

Responsible Business Conduct

To initiate activities related to Human Rights, Kideco begins by conducting Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD).

Our Human Right Due Diligence according to GRI 3: Material Topics 2021

Human Rights Due Diligence
Implementation phase

  1. Conducting gap assesments of company's human rught givernance system that include policies and

    Conducting gap assessments of company’s human rights governance system that include policies and procedures against the standards set by the UNGPs.
    The activities for phase 1 include assessing Kideco’s human rights-related policies and procedures at the group level, company level and mill level that are included in the scope of engagement. The assessment will be carried out through document review.
    Output: Gap assessment report that presents the gap between Kideco’s human rights governance system and the UNGP’s requirements, as well as recommendations to address the gap. Moreover, the draft for human rights policy for Kideco will be provided.
  2. Developing action plan to address the gap

    Output: the action plan will include a plan to address the gap identified during phase-1 activity and plan for due diligence implementation.
  3. Carrying out human rights impact assessment.

    The activities for phase 3 include interviews with relevant officers at the selected company headquarter and mill, plus interview and observation at the selected mill and supplier, interviews with communities and other relevant rights-holders at mill level, and document review.
    Human rights impact assessment reports that include human rights impacts identified, and recommendations to address the impacts.
  4. Assisting Kideco in addressing, mitigating and remediating the companies’ human rights impacts.

    The activities include engagement with rights-holders whose rights were impacted and improving the selected company’s human rights governance system.
    1. Report of activities in addressing, mitigating, and remediating the human rights impacts and the result of those activities.

    2. Improved human rights-related policies and procedures.

  5. Reporting of human rights due diligence process and progress.

    Output: Kideco Human Rights Progress Report.

Download Human Right Policy Document